CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 7, Episode 12

CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks!
CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 7, Episode 12

AoSHQ coblogger Joe Mannix joins us to discuss the geopolitical and financial implications of the end of the Petrodollar Pact, the continuing saga of Joe Biden’s galloping senility and who is really running our government, Is Jew-Hate special, or just part of the left’s playbook, and unionize at your peril if you have no power!

6 comments to “CutJibNewsletter Speaks: Season 7, Episode 12”
  1. Though Sefton-less, a fine discussion. From earliest civilized times, controlling the flow of world trade has been the fuel of dominance and stability, so watching SA abandon America is disheartening, even though very understandable. Worse yet, eventually all those dollars floating around will return home, worsening inflation pressures,

  2. Another great podcast. Thank you for commenting on the PetroDollar situation. It was informative and I will continue to keep an eye on things because, as you noted, there will be consequences down the line.

    Always good to hear from Joe Mannix. Looking forward to JJ’s return!

  3. FYI: It appears that you are no longer on Spotify, as this episode, just like the previous one, has not posted there.

  4. Definitely a different take on who’s running the government. We’re all going to have to become Kremlinologists.

  5. Run by committees, each power broker running whatever they can grab, DOJ, Environmental, State departments, Pentagon.
    It’s more frightening than you think

  6. Yup, and I can’t figure out what happened! I’ll fix it eventually…probably by canceling and re-loading.

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